Tag Archives: hiking

Who is the Tepozteco?


By: Mario Daniel Sánchez Robledo

Surely you have heard of the Tepozteco, in more than one occasion. A place filled with legends, history and adventure. For this reason, we have decided to tell you everything you need to know about this amazing destination.


The LegendTepoztlan

Prehispanic tradition tells us that Tepoztécatl was a special being; the son of a maid and Ehécatl god (god of wind). In his youth, Tepoztécatl went to the land of Xochicalco to confront and defeat a monster called Xochicálcatl, who devoured men to satisfy its hunger. Over the years, Tepoztécatl disappeared, although it is rumored that he climbed the hill to the town of Tepoztlan to disappear at the top.


The Adventure

The Tepozteco, the hill on which Tepoztécatl disappeared, is a place where you can go hiking on a journey of about two kilometers uphill. The route is very nice, but at times could get a bit difficult. For this reason we suggest you wear comfortable clothes, shoes and make small breaks to avoid exhaustion.


Three rewards

When you get to the top of the Tepozteco, there are three rewards you’ll never forget:

The first is physical, because once you take a breath and appreciate the panoramic view, you will realize that the effort will be worth it.

The second is historical and legendary. The perfect place to appreciate the Tlahuicas pyramid, built to honor the god of pulque Ometochtli-Tepuztécatl. Tepozteco, MexicoWe assure you that you will live a moment that combines legend with reality.

The third is spiritual, because whether or not you believe in energies, we can assure you that if you sit in a corner of the pyramid, close your eyes and breath deeply; You can feel an unmatched peace within yourself. In addition you fill your lungs with pure, fresh air, that your body will thank you for.

Finally, when you come down from the Tepozteco, do not miss the opportunity to walk the streets of the town of Tepoztlan. We recommend you visit their restaurants and food stalls, where you can find typical Mexican dishes ranging from delicious quesadillas to a rich and warm mole de olla.

Fotos by: Aldar Adame

Magical Places

Screen shot 2013-05-05 at 6.54.42 PMAfter doing some research I decided to visit Tepoztlan and hike the Tepozteco which is an archaelogical site in Morelos. It had been years since I visited this spot, but because I decided to get more involved in tourism around the country, I re visited this place.

This is a ruined site that came from the aztecs, which was built in honor of the conquest of Tepoztlan. On the top of the site, it has a temple. From what I know, its 12.4 m high. For those of you that plan on visiting Mexico and have some time to travel around, it is definitely worth visiting. It is a very magical place with good energy.

Screen shot 2013-05-05 at 5.48.22 PMThere are tons of places to eat, get a massage, a mojito or a fantastic michelada (which i recommend drinking after you came back down the hike 🙂 ). We took both of our dogs and I have to add they had as much fun as we did. It is a beautiful site and with an amazing view. If you plan on going and want suggestions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Hope you had a great weekend!

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